The Board is vested with powers and duties to manage and supervise the administration and operations of the Company as set forth in the Companies Act, the Articles of Association, and any other applicable Finnish laws and regulations. The Company complies with all other applicable rules and regulations affecting the Company or its affiliates (Group Companies) outside Finland, provided that such compliance does not constitute a violation of Finnish law. As a publicly listed company, the Rules of Nasdaq Helsinki will apply to the Company and the Company complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020.

The Board has a general obligation to pursue the best interests of the Company and all of its shareholders. The Board is accountable to the Company’s shareholders. The members of the Board of Directors shall act in good faith and with due care, exercising their business judgment on an informed basis in what they believe to be the best interest of the Company and its shareholder community as a whole.

The Board of Directors shall decide on the business strategy of the Company; the appointment and dismissal of the President and CEO (holding the position of the managing director under the Companies Act), the deputy to the President and CEO, and other senior management, Group structure, acquisitions and divestments, financial matters and investments. It shall also continuously review and monitor the operations and performance of Group companies, risk management, and the Company’s compliance with applicable laws, as well as any other issues determined by the Board of Directors. The Board shall keep itself informed of issues and business activities of major strategic importance to the Company on an ongoing basis. The Board shall appoint a secretary to be present at all Board meetings.

The President and CEO and Chief Financial Officer report to the Board on a quarterly basis on the sales funnel, competitive situation, market sentiment, the Company’s order intake and financial performance and full-year forecast, as well as on safety, people, and customer topics. The status of the most important development activities, e.g., major IT investments, R&D projects and acquisition cases, may be presented to the Board by the persons directly responsible for such matters.


Last modified: Jan 15, 2024