In addition to the Board and its secretary, the Company’s President and CEO and CFO shall attend Board meetings. The agenda of Board meetings and background material will be delivered to Board members prior to meetings. The Board shall meet as often as necessary to properly discharge its responsibilities. Normally there shall be approximately eight regular meetings a year, but the Board may convene whenever necessary in addition to these meetings. In 2023, Konecranes’ Board convened 16 times. The attendance of the Board members at meetings was 97 percent.
The attendance of the members to the board meetings is presented in the table below:
The Board and its Committees shall conduct an annual performance evaluation to determine whether the Board and its Committees are functioning effectively. The Board shall establish the criteria to be used in these evaluations, which will be conducted as internal self-evaluations. The performance review shall be discussed with the entire Board after the end of each fiscal year.