Konecranes Plc's Annual General Meeting 2018

Konecranes Plc's Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, March 27, 2018.

A shareholder is entitled to have considered by the General Meeting a matter falling with the remit of the General Meeting provided that the matter is presented in writing in time for it to be included in the notice convening the Meeting. A request is considered as having been received in good time if the Board of Directors has been notified of such a request on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at the latest. Such a request should be sent to the address: Konecranes Plc, Board of Directors, P.O. Box 661, 05801 Hyvinkää, Finland.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting 27.3.2018

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

CEO's presentation 27.3.2018

Notice to the Annual General Meeting 2018

Annual report 2017


Annex 1 - Articles of Association


Candidates' CVs

Information about the current Board Members you can find under Corporate Governance > Board of Directors.

Proposal by the Board of Directors for payment of dividend

Nomination Committee's proposal for compensation of the Board of Directors

Nomination Committee's proposal for composition of the Board of Directors

Please note that, since February 9, Mr. Ole Johansson and Mr. Bertel Langenskiöld are deemed to be dependent of the significant shareholders of the company, following the notice of HC Holding Oy Ab's holding exceeding 10 per cent of Konecranes Plc's shares and votes. HC Holding Oy Ab is a subsidiary of Hartwall Capital Oy Ab.

Proposal by the Board of Directors for the remuneration of the auditor

Proposal by the Board of Directors for the election of auditor

Proposal by the Board of Directors for the amendment of the Articles of Association

Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the repurchase and/or on the acceptance as pledge of the Company's own shares

Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of shares as well as on the issuance of special rights entitling to shares

Proposal by the Board of Directors to authorize the Board of Directors to decide on the transfer of the Company's own shares

Proposal by the Board of Directors to decide on a directed share issue without payment for an employee share savings plan

Model of a proxy

Information about data protection

Additional information regarding attendance to the shareholders meeting

Last modified: Mar 14, 2024